Friday, January 7, 2011

Introduction to Physiotherapy

"Physiotherapy is a dynamic profession, which uses a range of treatment techniques to restore movement and function within the body." - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.U.K. It is also known as physical therapy with the short form PT.
Physiotherapy is a branch of healthcare science that mainly concentrates on the physical aspects of an individual's healthcare, by treating their physical ailments. It works towards this by maintenance and rehabilitation of the individual's physical activity, which is nothing but bringing back the lost activity to near normal perfection. Physiotherapy uses physical agents for the treatment of patients. The following lists are the common physical agents used in Physiotherapy. physiotherapy treatments comprised mainly exercise, massage and traction.
Physiotherapy expanded from hospitals out to other areas of medical care.  Physiotherapists now work also in clinics, nursing homes, private practice and schools. In consequence, Physiotherapy now commands wide recognition and well-earned respect, with many young people expressing interest in making their career in the profession.

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  1. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.U.K. It is aswell accepted as concrete analysis with the abbreviate anatomy PT.

    sports injuries in Cheshire

  2. Which university teaches Master in Physiotherapy at Malaysia? We can't find any proper university who is going to teach this subject. Please send me an e-mail to describing on who to contact for this subject and which university. Thanks.

  3. wht i know is.. uitm still in the middle of doin this master for further study.. but i dont know now..
